Love of G-d
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Deeply meaningful art:
In 1977 the Lubavitcher Rebbe shared a chassidic discourse (Ma'amer) based on a possuk from Shir HaShirim which describes the love which the Jewish people have for Hashem:
מים רבים לא יוכלו לכבות את האהבה ונהרות לא ישטפוה
"Many waters [nations] cannot extinguish [eliminate] the love [that the Jewish people have for Hashem], nor can rivers [the princes and kings of the other nations] wash it away..."
Chassidus explains that, on a spiritual level, the “many waters” refer
to a Jew’s concerns about his parnossa (livelihood) and thoughts about other material matters. Even though these thoughts may be
overwhelming and all-consuming, they are not able to extinguish the natural love for Hashem which is concealed within every Jew.
Furthermore, even if the worries become so overwhelming that they
are constantly running through a person’s mind and tossing him
about like a constantly flowing and raging river, they are still not able to “wash away” or extinguish this love.